A-320 Type Rating ~ See Course Tabs
- Fort Worth Texas
Standard Type Rating Course
Paired Clients $12,500 USD
Single Client $15,000 USD
8 Days* Depending on your aviation background
Recent Experience Type Rating
Paired Clients $8,000 USD
4-5 Days* Depending on your Recency
* It is recommended that you plan an extra day at the end.
(Early morning Simulator completion, Simulator Troubles, that sort of thing)
To obtain a Airbus A-320 PIC type rating with no limitations. Computer based system home study, instructor led ground school review, and level C or D Flight Simulation Devices A320-200's are used for all training and testing purposes.
You will need at a minimum an unrestricted FAA Airman's certificate to start:
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Gulf Coast Aeronautical Services LLC
PO Box 724
Freeport FL 32439 USA
FAA Air Agency Number 1GUX090K
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Our office hours are Monday - Friday 0800 - 1700 USA CT
Closed Saturday & Sundays
Gulf Coast Aeronautical Services LLC
PO Box 724
Freeport FL 32439 USA
FAA Air Agency Number 1GUX090K
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