Airbus A-320 Type Rating


A-320 Type Rating ~ See Course Tabs
Fort Worth Texas

Standard Type Rating Course
Paired Clients $12,500 USD
Single Client $15,000 USD
8 Days* Depending on your aviation background

Recent Experience Type Rating
Paired Clients $8,000 USD

4-5 Days* Depending on your Recency

* It is recommended that you plan an extra day at the end.
(Early morning Simulator completion, Simulator Troubles, that sort of thing)

    Choose Your Preferred Dates & Location
    Small Personalized Classes
    Experienced Staff and Instructors
    State-of-the-Art Full Flight Simulators
    Contact our Sales Department at +1.800.588.9325 Ext 4 or Use the "Contact Us" Button

Sign up now while classes are available!

P-8 PIC Experience
This curriculum is the reduced 40 hour Ground School Curricula based on Pilot-In-Command experience on the US Navy's P-8 Poseidon Aircraft. (Must have a NATOPs letter indicating Pilot In Command authority within the last 24 months.)


  • 40 hours of Computer Based Aircraft Systems Training

  • 14 hours of D level Full Flight Simulator Training

  • 3 hour practical test in a D level Full Flight Simulator with a Gulf Coast Aeronautical Services Examiner

Course Outlines
Abridge FCOM
Welcome Letter
Certificate of Graduation
Distance Learning Instructions
Distance Learning Question File
Simulator Maneuvers Training Guide
System Schematic Illustrations
B-737 Panel Posters
B-737-300 Weight & Balance Student Handout
B-737-800 Weight & Balance Student Handout

To obtain a Airbus A-320 PIC type rating with no limitations. Computer based system home study, instructor led ground school review, and level C or D Flight Simulation Devices A320-200's are used for all training and testing purposes.

You will need at a minimum an unrestricted FAA Airman's certificate to start:

  •  Private or Commercial Pilot
  •  Airplane Multi-engine Land
  •  Instrument Airplane
Note 1:  If you are a foreign license holder please contact us for details of license conversion or training and certification compliant with an ICAO contracting state.

Note 2:  If you only hold a single-engine rating or a multiengine land "centerline thrust only" limitation on your license please contact us for details as to how you could potentially comply with course requirements.

Students may perform the Air Transport Pilot Test concurrent with the type rating provided you qualify at the FAA ATP level and are in possession of the ATP knowledge exam results.  This would be performed at NO additional charge.  Please contact our sales department for details of the Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program (ATP CTP).

Classes can be scheduled at any time. Let us know what your availability is and we will do our best to accommodate you based on your schedule.  If you already have a sim partner, let us know when you would like to train; if you are a single pilot, we will do our best to find you a suitable sim partner to be teamed up with.

+1.800.588.9325 Ext 4

Contact Information:

Hey we're open! Give our sales department a call +1.800.588.9325 Ext 4

Gulf Coast Aeronautical Services LLC
PO Box 724
Freeport FL 32439 USA
FAA Air Agency Number 1GUX090K

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Our office hours are Monday - Friday 0800 - 1700 USA CT
Closed Saturday & Sundays

Gulf Coast Aeronautical Services LLC
PO Box 724
Freeport FL 32439 USA
FAA Air Agency Number 1GUX090K

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