Looking to transition from military flight experience to an FAA ATP Airman's Certificate? Our services can help make the process easier. Through FAA guidance outlined in Regulation 61.73 14 CFR 61.73 - Military pilots or former military pilots: Special rules, military pilots can apply their flight experience towards a Commercial Grade Airman's Certificate with Instrument Rating.

Our team will review your military pilot records and verify your competency aeronautical knowledge test results to ensure that you meet the requirements for the Commercial Pilot Certificate and ratings as authorized by 14 CFR § 61.73. Additionally, we can issue or upgrade pilot certificates bearing type ratings based on your military pilot qualifications.

To make the enrollment process easier, be sure to get the type rating of your training aircraft on your FAA commercial certificate, such as the BE-400 or MU-300. This type rating will automatically transfer to your FAA ATP license.

In addition, if you are a current or former U.S. military instructor pilot or U.S. military pilot examiner who meets the eligibility requirements outlined in 14 CFR § 61.73(g), we can accept your application for a flight instructor certificate and appropriate ratings.

Don't let your military flight experience go to waste - let us help you make the most of it by obtaining the necessary certifications for your future career as a pilot.

To learn more about our services and to make an appointment, please call us at 1.800.588.9325 Ext 3.

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Gulf Coast Aeronautical Services LLC
PO Box 724
Freeport FL 32439 USA
FAA Air Agency Number 1GUX090K

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Closed Saturday & Sundays

Gulf Coast Aeronautical Services LLC
PO Box 724
Freeport FL 32439 USA
FAA Air Agency Number 1GUX090K

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